A computer is an electronic data processing device, which accepts and stores data input, processes the data input, and generates the output in a required format. Hardware Hardware represents the physical and tangible components of a computer, i.e. the components that can be seen and touched. Examples of Hardware are the following − Input devices − keyboard, mouse, etc. Output devices − printer, monitor, etc. Secondary storage devices − Hard disk, CD, DVD, etc. Internal components − CPU, motherboard, RAM, etc. Software Software is a set of instructions that make the computer perform tasks. In other words, software tells the computer what to do. Though the array of available programs is vast and varied, most software fall into two major categories; system software and application software. 1. System Software System software is a program that control the computers hardware or that can be used to maintain the computer in some way that it can run efficiently. There are three basic type...
EST 102 Programming in C Theory and Lab-KTU FIRST YEAR 2019 scheme - Dr.Binu V P, 9847390760