APJ ABDUL KALAM TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY FIRST SEMESTER B.TECH DEGREE EXAMINATION, MONTH & YEAR Course Code: EST 102 Course Name: Programming in C (Common to all programs) Max.Marks:100 Duration: 3 Hours PART A Answer all Questions. Each question carries 3 Marks (10x3=30) 1. Write short note on processor and memory in a computer. 2. What are the differences between compiled and interpreted languages? Give example for each. 3. Write a C program to read a Natural Number through keyboard and to display the reverse of the given number. For example, if “3214567” is given as input, the output to be shown is “7654123”. 4. Is it advisable to use goto statements in a C program? Justify your answer. 5. Explain the different ways in which you can declare & initialize a single dimensional array. 6. Write a C program to read a sentence through keyboard and to display the count of white spaces in the given sentence. 7. What are the advantages of using fu...
EST 102 Programming in C Theory and Lab-KTU FIRST YEAR 2019 scheme - Dr.Binu V P, 9847390760