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Hardware Familiarization



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KTU Mandatory C programs for Laboratory and Solutions

LIST OF LAB EXPERIMENTS 1. Familiarization of Hardware Components of a Computer 2. Familiarization of Linux environment – Programming in C with Linux 3. Familiarization of console I/O and operators in C     i) Display “Hello World”     ii) Read two numbers, add them and display their sum     iii) Read the radius of a circle, calculate its area and display it 4. Evaluate the arithmetic expression ((a -b / c * d + e) * (f +g))   and display its solution. Read the values of the variables from the user through console 5. Read 3 integer values, find the largest among them. 6. Read a Natural Number and check whether the number is prime or not 7. Read a Natural Number and check whether the number is Armstrong or not 8. Read n integers, store them in an array and find their sum and average 9. Read n integers, store them in an array and search for an element in the    array using an algorithm for Linear Search 10.Read n ...


PROGRAMMING IN C  KTU  EST 102  THEORY AND LAB   COMMON FOR ALL BRANCHES About Me Syllabus Theory Syllabus Lab Model Question Paper EST 102 Programmin in C University Question Papers  and evaluation scheme   EST 102 Programming in C  Introduction( Lab) Introduction to C programming Linux History and GNU How to create a bootable ubuntu USB stick Installing  Linux Install Linux within  Windows Virtual Box and WSL Linux Basic Features and Architecture Basic Linux Commands Beginning C Programming Compiling C programs using gcc in Linux Debugging C program using gdb Module 1: Basics of computer hardware and software          Module-1 Reading Material Basics of Computer Architecture Hardware and Software System Software and Application Software  Programming Languages ( High level, Low level and Machine Language) and Translators ( Compiler, Interpreter, Assembler) Algorithm, Flowcharts and Pseudo code Program Devel...

Programming Languages ( High level, Low level and Machine Language) and Translators ( Compiler, Interpreter, Assembler)

Programming Languages A Programming Language consists of a set of vocabulary and grammatical rules, to express the computations and tasks that the computer has to perform. Programming languages are used to write a program, which controls the behavior of computer, codify the algorithms precisely, or enables the human-computer interface. Each language has a unique set of keywords (words that it understands) and a special syntax for organizing program instructions.  The programming language should be understood, both by the programmer (who is writing the program) and the computer. A computer understands the language of 0∙s and 1∙s, while the programmer is more comfortable with English-like language. Programming Language usually refers to high-level languages like COBOL, BASIC, FORTRAN,BCPL, C, C++, Java,Python etc. High level programming language is chosen depending on the type of the application you are going to develop.For example if we are developing android mobile applications we ...