Structured programming (sometimes known as modular programming) is a programming paradigm that facilitates the creation of programs with readable code and reusable components. All modern programming languages support structured programming, but the mechanisms of support, like the syntax of the programming languages, varies.
Control structures
Following the structured program theorem, all programs are seen as composed of control structures:Subroutines
Components of structured programming
Advantages of structured programming
Disadvantages of structured programming
- "Sequence"; ordered statements or subroutines executed in sequence.
- "Selection"; one or a number of statements is executed depending on the state of the program. This is usually expressed with keywords such as if..then..else..endif. The conditional statement should have at least one true condition and each condition should have one exit point at max.
- "Iteration"; a statement or block is executed until the program reaches a certain state, or operations have been applied to every element of a collection. This is usually expressed with keywords such as while, repeat, for or do..until. Often it is recommended that each loop should only have one entry point (and in the original structural programming, also only one exit point, and a few languages enforce this).
- "Recursion"; a statement is executed by repeatedly calling itself until termination conditions are met. While similar in practice to iterative loops, recursive loops may be more computationally efficient and are implemented differently as a cascading stack.
Callable units such as procedures, functions, methods, or subprograms are used to allow a sequence to be referred to by a single statement.
Blocks are used to enable groups of statements to be treated as if they were one statement. Block-structured languages have a syntax for enclosing structures in some formal way, such as an if-statement bracketed by as in ALGOL 68, or a code section bracketed by BEGIN..END, as in PL/I and Pascal, whitespace indentation as in Python, or the curly braces {...} of C and many later languages.
Structured programming (sometimes known as modular programming) enforces a logical structure on the program being written to make it more efficient and easier to understand and modify.
At the high level, structured programs consist of a structural hierarchy starting with the main process and decomposing downward to lower levels as the logic dictates. These lower structures are the modules of the program, and modules may contain both calls to other (lower-level) modules and blocks representing structured condition/action combinations. All of this can be combined into a single module or unit of code, or broken down into multiple modules, resident in libraries.
Modules can be classified as "procedures" or "functions." A procedure is a unit of code that performs a specific task, usually referencing a common data structure available to the program at large. Much of the data operated on by procedures is external. A function is a unit of code that operates on specific inputs and returns a result when called.
Structured programs and modules typically have a header file or section that describes the modules or libraries referenced and the structure of the parameters and module interface. In some programming languages, the interface description is abstracted into a separate file, which is then implemented by one or more other units of code.
The primary advantages of structured programming are:
- It encourages top-down implementation, which improves both readability and maintainability of code.
- It promotes code reuse, since even internal modules can be extracted and made independent, residents in libraries, described in directories and referenced by many other applications.
- It's widely agreed that development time and code quality are improved through structured programming.
These advantages are normally seen as compelling, even decisive, and nearly all modern software development employs structured programming.
The biggest disadvantage of structured programming is a reduction in execution efficiency, followed by greater memory usage. Both these problems arise from the introduction of calls to a module or process, which then returns to the caller when it's done. System parameters and system resources are saved on a stack (a queue organized as LIFO, or last-in-first-out) and popped when needed. The more program logic is decomposed, meaning the more modules are involved, the greater the overhead associated with the module interface. All structured programming languages are at risk to "over-structuring" and loss of efficiency.
let us briefly examine some important characteristics of well-written computer programs. These characteristics apply to programs that are written in any programming language, not just C.They can provide us with a useful set of guidelines later in this book, when we start writing our own C programs.
Integrity:This refers to the accuracy of the calculations. It should be clear that all other program enhancements will be meaningless if the calculations are not carried out correctly. Thus, the integrity of
the calculations is an absolute necessity in any computer program.
Clarity: refers to the overall readability of the program, with particular emphasis on its underlying logic.If a program is clearly written, it should be possible for another programmer to follow the program logic without undue effort. It should also be possible for the original author to follow his or her own program after being away from the program for an extended period of time. One of the objectives in the design of C is the development of clear, readable programs through an orderly and disciplined approach to programming.
Simplicity:The clarity and accuracy of a program are usually enhanced by keeping things as simple as possible, consistent with the overall program objectives. In fact, it may be desirable to sacrifice a certain amount of computational efficiency in order to maintain a relatively simple, straightforward program structure.
Efficiency:is concerned with execution speed and efficient memory utilization.These are generally important goals, though they should not be obtained at the expense of clarity or simplicity. Many complex programs require a tradeoff between these characteristics. In such situations, experience and common sense are key factors.
Modularity: Many programs can be broken down into a series of identifiable sub tasks. It is good programming practice to implement each of these sub tasks as a separate program module. In C, such modules are written as functions. The use of a modular programming structure enhances the accuracy and clarity of a program, and it facilitates future program alterations.
Generality: Usually we will want a program to be as general as possible, within reasonable limits. For example, we may design a program to read in the values of certain key parameters rather than placing fixed values into the program. As a rule, a considerable amount of generality can be obtained with very
little additional programming effort.
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