PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT LIFE CYCLE A program is needed to instruct the computer about the way a task is to be performed. The instructions in a program have three essential parts: 1. Instructions to accept the input data that needs to be processed, 2. Instructions that will act upon the input data and process it, and 3. Instructions to provide the output to user The instructions in a program are defined in a specific sequence. Writing a computer program is not a straightforward task. A person who writes the program (computer programmer) has to follow the Program Development Life Cycle. Let’s now discuss the steps that are followed by the programmer for writing a program: Problem Analysis —The programmer first understands the problem to be solved. The programmer determines the various ways in which the problem can be solved, and decides upon a single solution which will be followed to solve the problem. Program Design —The selected solution is represented in a form, so that it can be co...
EST 102 Programming in C Theory and Lab-KTU FIRST YEAR 2019 scheme - Dr.Binu V P, 9847390760